Lily's Prayer

The Lord has provided, Jadon is Home with his Forever Family!

Sunday, October 31, 2010

Almost time to meet Jadon!

I know its been a long time since we updated our blog on what's been going on. We have partly just been busy with everyday life and preparations for leaving in just a couple of weeks to meet our son! We unfortunatley received a phone call from our agency a little over a week ago that is out of the ordinary for them to have to make. The organization that reviews the paperwork to write the letter of recommendation to the judge in ET was requesting more information due to a document that was poorly worded from a government organization here in TN. Without going into a lot of detail the document they are requiring from us has proven to be impossible to provide. We were able to come up with something that we hope will work. It's basically just a difference in understanding our culture and how our government operates. After 2.5days of stress, running around, and $292 later we were able to send off our documents. We did receive confirmation that the new documents arrived and were placed in the hands of the organization Friday afternoon. Now we are just waiting. We are hoping to have good news on Monday or Tuesday at the latest on whether or not they accept what we have sent and let us move forward. As of right now no travel dates have been changed. We are trusting in God as we have this entire journey. We know he has a plan to get Jadon home just when he wants him here with us. On the current schedule and provided all goes well this week and the week we are there for court, we should be arriving home Christmas day with Jadon! What a wonderful Christmas present that will be for our family!

Many of you have asked how our fundraising is going for all of our travel expenses. Our first trip is paid for completely including shots! Praise the Lord! We are now working on the second trip which we anticipate to be $9000. This includes Lily traveling with us. We are praying for God to provide for her to go and be a part of Jadon's Homecoming since this BIG Sister has been praying for her little brother for so long! Tickets for the second trip are looking to be anywhere from $2200 - $2600 each plus Jadon's ONE WAY ticket home that will be about $1200. We will have very short notice to purchase our tickets once we are confirmed to travel and it is the week of Christmas so that is why the tickets are so much more expensive for the second trip. We are waiting on two Grant organizations to let us know if we will receive any assistance. We will know about one of those this week hopefully and the other we are suppose to know by the first of December. Neither are a garauntee but we are hopeful for something.

If you would like to make an anonymous donation you may email our friends Robbie or Dana for instructions on how to do so at Otherwise you may make donations via our paypal or email me for an address to mail a check to at

Currently we are running our drawing until November 5th for any donations made before then. You will receive an entry for each $10 donated for a chance to win one of the prizes listed below in the blog post

We are grateful for any amount you are compelled to donate toward getting Jadon home. Little is much when God is in it!!!

Please pray for the following:
1. ET document situation to be smoothly resolved and no delays in us attending court and getting Jadon home by the end of the year!
2. Jadon to continue to be healthy and safe.
3. Us as we prepare to travel across the world to meet our son for the first time!
4. Financials to come together to finish this journey out of getting Jadon home to his Forever Family!

We are so unbelievably excited to be nearing the end of this long journey to bring Jadon home and even more excited for the next journey that will begin when he joins our family on the same continent!

Just a couple of more weeks and we should be able to introduce you to Jadon through pictures finally!


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