Lily's Prayer

The Lord has provided, Jadon is Home with his Forever Family!

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Waiting to be WAITING

I can feel it... This should be the month we officailly become expecting parents or as some call it, Paper Pregnant. We have been waiting many many years to be expecting parents again. I really never thought it would be this kind of expecting but I am so glad that God's plans are different than mine. He saw long before us and we wouldn't have it any other way now! We are finally at the end of the paper chase stage. We are waiting on one document and then we will be able to get all of our documents state certified and mailed off to the agency with a big fat check for $4100!!! We received word this week that we should have that document sometime in the next week.

God has been so faithful! He has provided every step of the way just what we need just when we need it. We know he will continue to do so through the rest of this journey as well. To HIM be ALL the Glory!

Now we begin to prepare for the next step which is just WAITING and Fundraising...NO more Paperwork for a while! YAY!

Here is a list of our current fundraisers again:
1. Photos by Pamela Ferguson for a $50 donation for outdoor pics and you will be given the CD to print as many pics as you would like. email me if you are interested

2. Want to get healthy and help an orphan? check out When you order items on this website excluding the heart monitors, and apparel, we will receive 25% of your order. When you place an order please email me your confirmation so that I can forward it to Christina for us to receive the donation.

3. Fill a baby bottle with your spare change and give it to us to cash in! We are randomly passing these out so let us know if you want one or use your own if you have one already! We also would appreciate any donations of bottles that you may have left over that we can use to put labels on and pass out. We have already raised $468 in spare change!

4. Note Cards - $12 per set (set includes box of 10 cards and envelopes) Email me if you would like to order some ( Additional $3 is required if shipping. More designs to come.

5. Fun Shaped Pasta - see details on the side of the blog. Spread the word.

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