Lily's Prayer

The Lord has provided, Jadon is Home with his Forever Family!

Sunday, July 31, 2011

New purpose for the blog!

First, let us say thank you to all of you for reading our blog. Our journey to our little guy has been a blessing and we have enjoyed sharing this journey with you all. Our prayer for our blog has been that through sharing our journey others will be encouraged to take the next step of adoption no matter where they are in the process.

Recently we have not been sharing much on the blog about our son and our family. We have held back on sharing a lot out of adjusting to life with our new addition and mostly out of respect for our sons privacy. Our conviction for not sharing more on his new life in America is simply we feel that from this point on his life is his story to share. We will still post proud moments that any parent would post. We will still post things about our journey of adoption, things that we struggled with, celebrated, experiences of the power of our awesome God.

We believe we have been called to stand up for those who cannot stand up for themselves, the orphans. We believe our blog should be used to promote adoption, orphan care and support for those in the process of adoption or thinking about adoption. Our blog should be a voice for those who need a voice.

Lily's Prayer has been answered with a little brother of her own, an orphan with a forever family, but she doesn't stop praying and neither do we.

The Scott Family