The yard sale on Saturday was a success. A special THANK YOU to all of those who helped us last week in preparation, Saturday during the sale and those bakers that made the baked goodies. (Mickie, Amanda P., Neal, Pamela, Molly, Rhonda, Amanda H., Dana, MawMaw, PawPaw, Nana, Pa) A big shout out to all of those who donated items, your donations were greatly appreciated.

We have "Fun Shape Pasta" for sale. This pasta salad was a big hit at the yard sale, we had samples for people to try. Look to the right on the blog for information on how to order. Check it out – there’s something for everyone! There are meal gift bags available and each pasta comes with its own seasoning and three recipes. And the prices are affordable – you can support our adoption with prices ranging from $6.50 to $11.00.
We stand in awe as we witness God at His work all around us, ALL Praise and Glory to His Name.