I can not believe that my baby girl is twelve years old today! God has truly blessed us with an amazing young lady. We are so proud of her accomplishments and are so honored that God chose us to be her mom and dad. She is so full of life, dreams and has such a huge heart for God. I wished that at her age I would have been half as wise. As I've mentioned in our very first post about our journey leading to Lily's prayer, she has been a prayer warrior since the age of two. It has officially been a little over ten years now that she has been praying to be a big sister. She has not once let go of that dream. She has always shown great faith in believing that one day God will answer her prayer. She too is growing so much on this journey along with her mom and dad. She is learning that God does answer prayers but its in HIS timing and sometimes HIS answers are packaged different than our answers. My prayer for her going into this next year is that she will have her little brother or sister by her next birthday! We know our God is BIG and HE can and HE will move mountains to bring our child home soon in HIS perfect timing.
Please pray about helping us answer Lily's prayer by making a donation even if it's five dollars because as I say all the time....Little is much when God is in it! We are still praying for 100 entries by the 15th of March for our raffle. We are currently 69 entries away from that goal. God has been so good through the generosity of many people already this week. We only need 15 more donations to reach our goal of 40 by the end of this week.
Thank you all so much for taking a moment to read and keep up with our journey!
If you can, please take a moment to post a Happy Birthday wish to Lily! She would love that!